Our Mission

Cure Alzheimer’s Fund
Cure Alzheimer’s Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to funding research with the highest probability of preventing, slowing or reversing Alzheimer’s disease.
Facts about Alzheimer’s Disease and why we must support causes that are doing research to find a cure.
- 1 out of 3 people over age 65 will die as a result of Alzheimer’s.
- 1 in 9 over the age of 65 currently have it, and 2/3’s of these are women.
- 15 million caregivers spent 17.5 billion unpaid hours in 2012 caring for those with the disease, causing added stress, lost work time, and increased depression, and resulting in $9.1 billion in health care costs for the caregivers alone.
- Costs to our healthcare system are staggering-estimated to reach $1.2 trillion by 2050.
- The disease can start up to twenty years before diagnosis-as early as the age of thirty for those at high risk-yet we have no idea what causes it in 99% of all cases.
- There is no known cure or reliable prevention.
We support this CAF because we have a close connection to their vital work. Our dear brother-in-law was diagnosed at 52 and is facing the challenges of this devastating disease. He has participated in several research studies facilitated by organizations like Cure Alzheimer's Fund, whose efforts have profoundly impacted his life and the lives of many others. More research is essential to finding a cure for this terrible illness that affects so many around the world!

American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society has made significant contributions to the fight against cancer over the last 110 years. They do the important work of advocating for lifesaving policy changes, promote healthy lifestyles to help prevent cancer, and provide information, answers, and support to people in every community who have been touched by cancer. As one of the core principals we seek in choosing charitable organizations, the ACS researches cancer and its causes to find more answers and better treatment.
Cancer hits approximately 40.5% of men and women at some point during their lifetimes. When owner and founder Stacey Cleary was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2021 her first thought was, “oh no! I have cancer.” She was profoundly grateful to learn that it was a benign tumor. Through that experience she gained a new appreciation for life and what it means to be cancer free. The gratitude that comes from an experience like that is life changing and that gratitude is enduring. We all know someone who has had a cancer diagnosis and the American Cancer Society is on the front lines fighting alongside those suffering. Join us in supporting this worthy cause.

Susan G. Komen
Susan G. Komen®, the world’s leading breast cancer organization, supports breast cancer research, and meets the immediate needs of breast cancer patients through its free Breast Care Helpline and offers services such as patient navigation, financial assistance and emotional support. It funds research breakthroughs that allow more lives to be saved from breast cancer and bring us closer to the cures for all breast cancers.
Why Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide.
One in eight women in the U.S. will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime.
In 2024, an estimated 200,000 women are living with metastatic breast cancer, which can be treated but not cured. This disease has affected some many of our friends and family. We need to continue this fight by funding more research, prevention and assistance.

Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance is the global leader in research funding and a trailblazer in the race to find a cure for ovarian and gynecologic cancers. Unafraid to challenge accepted wisdom, OCRA has taken powerful stances on everything from new recommendations for prevention to creating innovative, highly effective programs to promote education, advocacy, and awareness.
4Joy supports OCRA because Ovarian Cancer is often missed and the fifth leading cause of cancer death in women. Ovarian cancer is hard to detect early, and less than 20% of cases are diagnosed before it has spread. There is no recommended screening test for the general population which is why more research is so critical, but a doctor can evaluate symptoms. In honor of our dear friend Diane and all those suffering from this disease, through your purchases 4Joy is donating to this important research foundation.